Installation steps part 2
Installing packages
Pactrap is a tool which can be uses to install Arch
Use the following command pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware
This command will install linux on /mnt but i recommend you install some other packages as well.
packstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware networkmanager vim os-prober ntfs-3g
This will take some time to download packages. If you feel the speed is two low try updating your mirror list.
Configure fstab
Now it's time to tell your linux system about the partitions that you made.
It's simple as running a single command. genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
This command should be run after you are done with pacstrap.
To verify fstab use
cat /mnt/etc/fstab
Chroot into system
Use command arch-chroot /mnt
to enter your system.
Timezone and Localization
To set your time zone enter ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/(choose your timezone by pressing tab) /etc/localtime
In my case my timezone is Asia > Kolkata
Then open file locale.gen located in /etc/locale.gen
using your prefered text editor. In my case vim
vim /etc/locale.gen
Note that this file must already have some contents.
search for
and en_US ISO-8859-1
and uncomment
those two lines.
This two lines will be around line number #176 and #177 respectively. After saving and exiting use command
Then open file locale.conf.
vim /etc/locale.conf
Note that this file should be empty.
Type in the following line
Save the file and exit
Network Config
To set your computer host name open file /etc/hostname vim /etc/hostname
Type in your host name eg.
Changing root password
Enter the command passwd
A password prompt must appear. Enter your new root password.
Internet configuration
To ensure that when you boot up your fresh install for the first time you will be able
to connect to the internet use the following command. systemctl enable NetworkManager
Assuming that you installed networkmanager while using pacstrap else first run
pacman -S networkmanager
Installing the bootloader *
This is almost the final step and the most important one!! If you are dual booting with another Operating System then you will need the grub menu to switch OS at boot time.
To install grub use
pacman -S grub
grub-install /dev/sda
Note that this is for BIOS system
Generate grub config
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Post Installtion
Ofcourse before you restart you need to unmount the partitions.
To do that enter exit
unmount -R /mnt
The -R unsures that it recursively unmounts. Then you can reboot and remove the bootable drive.